LGBTQ+ Insurance Network Link opens first U.S. Chapter
The LGBTQ+ Insurance Network “Link” has expanded its reach to the United States in what is a first step in their expansion outside of the UK, forming a chapter in Los Angeles. Link was established 10 years ago in London, with a mission to make the insurance industry the employer of choice for the LGBTQ+ community.
Link’s Los Angeles chapter launched with a bang on December 1, 2021 thanks to the hard work of Charles Walter and event sponsorship by Amwins. There was fantastic representation from across the locality and industry, with a real buzz in the air on the night. “You can feel the headwinds of change and it is an excellent time for Link to expand to the United States” said Charles.
The launch included speeches from a number of attendees. Linde Hotchkiss, Southwest Market Leader at Newfront Insurance highlighted that “It is time to elevate your visibility” and Dymphna Menendez Underwriter at Arch said that “The LGBTQ+ insurance community is ready and eager to bring our authentic selves to work” Both Linde and Dymphna expressed that in this new world of remote work and unrest leaning in and being visible will help others to start to feel safer within our industry.
This is an exciting opportunity for Link, in reaching a wider audience and support LGBTQ+ inclusion globally.
“Insurance, and the LGBTQ+ community, is global in nature and with the world becoming an even more interconnected place, it’s important that diversity and inclusion transcends international borders and recognizes the trend towards increased global mobility,” said Link Chair Maurice Rose, Senior Manager, Insurance Risk and Regulation at PwC in London. “This is why we are so excited to support the LGBTQ+ community in the US and will use this as an opportunity to expand further.”
On the subject of expansion, and with the successful launch of Link in LA, Link is now looking to the East Coast to make the most of the momentum and buzz that has been created.
Erik Johnson, who leads the Inclusion@Lloyd’s Partner Network initiative has said that “he is excited and very proud of the work that Charles and Maurice have done to launch Link in the US. With five other I@L Partner Networks and many requests to grow outside the UK, Link is spearheading the work to create global communities to ensure that the insurance industry attracts and retain the best talent.”
All of this would not have been possible without the support of the attendees and sponsors of the launch event, and Link London would like to thank Charles and his firm Amwins for driving the initiative forward. To make this a success, Link needs support, sponsorship and volunteers, and so, if any readers have contacts in the US who may be interested in supporting this amazing opportunity, please do get in touch here